How many times u have thought of someone else and dint do a thing that u always wanted to do..?
some of u might answer.. "always.." as you depend a lot on others for ur decisions and hence do as they say.. may be their experiences are far better than you taking risks.. but what u learned in that course of time then..?
my life is always surrounded by influential people who have a mindset of influencing people.. who want me to follow the paths that they covered.. they know about the stones and pebbles and want me to avoid them as i lead forward..
but how does it helps me anyway..? isnt it like i shud remember the way like they did and then guide other people to the destination without getting hurt..??
does it gives satisfaction..? a feeling of achieving something is always missing. u never reached there on ur own. u r not the winner. u never faced cuts and bruises that time showed.. u never enjoyed ur life then. i know this because i did the same. followed what others said.. been a mice in a rat race of today's world. someone always holding me up by my tail and dropping me forward but then i lost the grace of being a winner.
been months i m trying to do what my heart says.. i have been myself for quite a period now. i am taking my life on my terms. i know how it feels. you fall, you get dropped, you loose but then its all urs..
a moment of success will come in everyone's life.. but make sure it was you who crossed the line by urself.. so that u can always say.." i get here because i was myself.."