so many days gone by, and i have been living only by thinking. neither speaking nor writing. m going through a phase where none of my life's decisions are in my hands.
Love, work, friends.. my life is divided evenly between all these. i have started loving a girl ( yes again.. it happens wid me..) and she is the sole decision maker of this relationship. i have asked her to correct my smile but she said " achhi smile ho gayi to tu kisi aur ko pakad lega.. fer mera kya hoga..? " though i knew it was pure humor from her side, but how much i wished that the way she said in fun that she wanted to be close to me could have been true and the ultimate truth of my life.
work that i do is not that i want to be my job. it frustrates me most of the times.
Friends .. they came and now going. They hv been the sweetest part of my life for so many days and now leaving just wid a smile on their face and a hint of tear in their eyes. bidding goodbyes is not a sport that i do regularly. it shakes my soul everytime.
its been very regular wid my life as when i thought someone to be a close friend of mine, he always moved away.
school, college and now .. i made very few frnds wid whom i cud talk in early mornings when i wake up or late at nights just before i sleep. Friends whom i could visit at any hour of the day.
presently amit is reading newspaper at my side and anuroop is looking at the edited pics ( thats obvsly done by amit ) of our hangout done last weekend. we are all ready to jive in this weekend too as my brother is here for 2 days.
and as i think and write of everything thats running through my mind, i guess is because of being hopelessly in expecatations of success in all the corners of my life..
.. Love Work Friends ...