As a hard day finished at the work for Ravi.. he prepares himself for leaving the office.. excited about the following holidays.. an extended weekend..
but to make sure he dont have to land up office again.. he worked till 4:00 A.M. .. pending work has now the status Completed.. laid back on his chair..hands behind his head he closed his eyes to feel the satisfaction.. happiness converted as a smile on his lips.. he slowly stood up.. took the bag in his hand and moved towards the basement parking where his bike was parked..
he opened his bag for the keys.. but keys fell down from his pocket.. confused.. he smiled at his stupidity.. picked up the keys.. switched on the ignition of his bike.. and kicked..
suddenly the light of the basement went off.. it was total dark there.. so he put the headlights on.. but then generator started roaring.. and light was all there..
he moved out of the building.. guard bidding "good night sir.."
it was pretty rush at that hour of the day.. call centres timing were little late in the day.. but as he moved forward.. he found before he used horn.. every one cleared the way.. cars, trucks, cycles.. pedestrians..
it was not a usual sight for him.. he felt special.. he was still very happy that he completed his work.. and now has 3 days to enjoy..
and while driving.. he moved with the turn to catch the highway... after a distance.. he found someone from behind was using dimmers .. might be.. needed to overtake him..
he tried to adjust his rear view mirror.. but found that the vehicle stopped.. so dint bother and continued driving..
few Kms ahead.. he passed a troup of banjaras.. and as he moved forward.. crossed a guy.. who on seeing Ravi.. shouted "Saaahab Jii..." .. loud enough to make Ravi stop.. he turned his bike.. and moved back to him.. but to his surprise.. he found that guy standing still.. he dint move... talk.. he stood with his eyes wide open.. and suddenly those eyes started burning..
buring.. with red flames..
Ravi was horrified.. he threw the bike.. and started running.. without even looking back.. but then thought that going on bike would take him out of the place much faster way..
so he stopped and turned back.. but then when he saw something that he could not believe on earth would have been possible.. bike was floating in the air.. and was slowly moving towards him..
he saw that the man.. with burning eyes was now almost like a stone statue..
the bike came in front of him... and ignition headlight everything went on in a split of a second.. bike came much closer to him now.. and then.. he felt someone's breath on him.. heavy breaths.. and from the invisible he found a face of a woman appearing to him.. who seemed to be sitting at the back of his bike.. her eyes were red..
she wore a black gown.. hairs straign down to her waist.. she seemed to float an inch above the pillion.. very similar to the way as bike was to the ground..
she looked at Ravi and smiled.. who was standing there as a piece of shit and wished someone could clear him from this sight..
she walked in the air and came to him.. hold his face.. which was already blue after watching all this.. his eyes matching the colour of his face couldnt bear more.. so he closed his eyes.. and then he suddenly felt as if something passed through him.. through his body..
the woman was trying to hug him.. but couldnt.. she get passed through Ravi everytime she tried.. Ravi stood there silently.. she then again smiled.. and stared in his eyes..
this time he dint close and stared directly in her eyes.. she started crying..
Ravi felt somethinng different.. he saw himself into a dark world.. it was dark everywhere.. nothing he could see except this dark lady.. but then he realized he was in the air.. much much above the surface he used to walk on..
he couldnt understand what was happening to him.. and suddenly he started seeing spirits all around him.. women... beautiful women.. with red eyes.. all trying to touch him.. but could do nothing and passed through him..
he felt as if this was his last day (or night may be..).. but then the woman who was with her all the time.. pushed all spirits away.. and pushed Ravi to the ground..
ravi touched the ground.. and started running again.. towards his bike.. and found that woman again.. she flew towards him.. tried to kiss his forehead.. this time her tears fell on Ravi's eyes.. and with the first ray of the sun.. she vanished..
after the holidays.. he was again travelling through the same road..
he found that the ride is something different again.. he saw below.. he was floating in the air..
he smiled..
he looked in his rear-view mirror.. found nothing.. but 2 red eyes gleaming in the darkness of night..
he left his handle.. and tried to hold the hand that tried to hold his shoulder.. and felt divine..