and I was sitting with nearly 200 people knowing only 4 of them in a dark hall and my eyes could see a movie being played in front of me.... but watching the memories of past.
scene after scene.. customized on fictitious character turned out real when the cry of heart screamed in songs.. tearing the hearts and eyes being unable to hold the pain of the years that I so wished to delete from my life.
Phase by phase her thoughts seek through the porous walls that I built around my life.. helplessly witnessing her mix with the leftover seconds I thought she left for me to live.. And then more .. some more of her was now my part...
her face came in front of my eyes... each time I saw her was the first time... I wanted to wipe that face of hers for that moment.. but then dint know what to do... that moment.. wanted to scream out her name.. but wasn't able to... the noise of my breaths hovered my voice...
attached with the thin string of the heart.. the dimension of helplessness.. as the knock on the doors that never opened... the noise.. once again... never stopped on my will.. the wind of thoughts pushed me away from you... the brunt of hatred.. burning me to smokes...
the language cryptic to my mind... made me to stare at you... caging to the moment of my life.. with no expectation from life.. to keep you or let you go... and then the beats increase... the sound of the speakers ... I need to beg you from you... and more.. and more time from your life.. the distance has a friction.. which are the flames... a puzzle of life.. you being the solution...
the steps when taken towards you... never tired.. the burst of tears.. witnessing myself to smokes.. P.S. ..... It is still there...