ah.. what to say..how it feels to be 17 and falling in love again..?? amazing i believe.. but this is not what i m trying to make you do.
i wud like to let all know.. what was i going thru when i saw her for the first time.. in the adolescence of age when people think of building and shaping future.. i was planning of making my future.. with a girl.. whom i saw for the first time..
it was an evening.. when me and Pandey were speeding on my bike to reach for tuitions.. although i hated that place cuz it was all chemistry.. but i sum how liked that time.. wid frnzz. staying at home was like a punishment for me at that time. i m sorry dad.. if u r reading this..
well.. as i reached there.. i saw 2 girls staring at us .. as if we were aliens to them.. may be because of our rash wheeling.. but.. there was no need of a stare like that.. n young blood in me.. provoked me to stare at them straight.. eyes meet eyes.. i preferred staring at the one.. who had bigger eyes.. who wore a white salwaar suit.. white bangles made of glass.. with silver ear-rings.
eyes met eyes.. i preferred to look into the eyes.. that felt.. Kajal is necessary.. making them one of the most beautiful sets of anything.. that i had seen in my lifetime.. what joy, sympathy, calmness, and friendly curiosity they radiated.. i instantly fall in love wid those eyes.. not even looking at the face.. that gaze lasted for more than a lifetime i believed.. that was later accounted to 2 minutes by Pandey. i could have looked at them for an hour, week, month.. year.. decade.. doing nothing.. n just looking at her eyes..
i was shocked..!! how cud one be so b'ful..?? then i realized.. eyes are the mirror of what u actually are beneath urself.. whoever said it.. was a true genius.. in the crowd of zillions.. i can challenge.. that one look of that eyes.. was enuff for me to recognize her.. cuz the shine in them.. the spark.. that ignited the lamp of luv inside my heart.. i can never forget..!! that scene can never vanish from my tiny brain..
that gaze... it was the first gaze of love..!!
P.S.* :- i still luv u..! (* P.S. is the short form of her name ;) .. i hope she realizes this some day..)
have u cn the movie P.S. i love u..
ha ha
just a PJ ..
nice blog dost..
i wud love to read it again and again..
Mast hain yar.
Feel like attaching.......
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