"Oh dear GOD..!!".. Varun looked towards the sky and screamed.. " I love this... I absolutely love this.. Thanks buddy.." and gave a thumbs up to infinity..
"It has started raining...".. Priya came shouting from behind.. she ran beside Varun.. went few steps ahead , took an umbrella out of her expensive but not-so-expensive looking bag.. a small umbrella.. with 3 folds technique that sprangs with a touch on a button.
Soon she was under an umbrella and Varun watching her.. all smilingly.. he adjusted his leather overcoat and went near her..
"h..h..h..hey.." Varun stammered his first words to Priya.. he cursed himself neatly and clearly in his heart.. "i..i..i.. it's raining.. y..y..you mind if i share this umbrella..?".. he said.
Varun was very good at this.. talking to a person and to himself.. at the same moment..
"haan..?... ok.. but i will move left from the next turn.." priya said and pulling varun under the umbrella..
Priya was a nice girl.. beautiful.. Big blue eyes.. rendered with Kohl... smile big as anyone's heart.. voice smooth enuff to melt you down..
worked in same company as Varun's.. different projects though.. but sat few cubicles away.. shared glances once or twice.. thrice maybe.. few smiles.. and that was enuff for Varun to lose himself for her.. Varun loved to fall in love.. he was never afraid doing so.. he was the person who thought one person shud always be in love.. he had loved many women in his life... as he used to say.. 1 for each year is his average count of falling in love.. but this time he thought Priya was the only girl he was searching for (he thinks same for every girl he falls in love... quite a falling person..)
"Left..? Ok.. i also need to go left.." Varun said..
"But you go there naa..??" Priya said showing the right turn..
"but i need to go there today.. some work.." varun this time.. showing left..
"ok.." she smiled and started walking.. Varun accompanied.
"Its raining so heavy na...? my bag.. " priya said clutching her bag to protect it from any drop of water that fell near it.. there was a kind of sorrow in her voice.. varun felt as if she wud break down to tears.. he almost smiled on her innocence.. "hey u laughing haan..??".. and she punched him..
"No.. no.. mmmm.. dont worry.. nothing will happen to ur bag.." varun said laughing..
"Priya.. I need to say you something.." he just saved himself from stammering again..
"Yes.. say.." Priya responded .. without looking at him.. walking slowly now..
"Priya.. do you know.. there is a guy in our office.. who thinks that you are very beautiful.."
"is it wrong..? am i not beautiful..? haan..?"
"no.. you definitely are.. but does that mean you will say him No if he asks you for a coffee..?"
"whats wrong in a coffee..?.. why he thinks so..?"
"i dont know.. may be he thinks such a beautiful girl when seen with an ordinary guy.. u know.."
"no.. no.. that is not the case.. i m not at all like that.. i dont mind in friendship.. u know.."
"hmmm.. may be i will tell him to ask you out for a coffee.."
"yes tell him.. but not on weekend haan.. i have to stay at home then.."
"ok.. ok.."
"what else he says about me..? have i ever seen him..?.. "
"he thinks you are very beautiful.."
"ohhhooo .. that i have heard.. what else he says.."
"he thinks you are too sophisticated kind of girl.. you know.. not that approachable.. one who can slap anytime.."
"he really thinks so..? mumma... i never slap anyone..! why would i..?"
"yaa.. why wud you.. but i think you might.."
"why..??" Priya shouted.. so loud that Varun heart stopped for a moment.. then a gush of air.. blood and guts flowing thruu it..
"i think he loves you.."
"what..? is that true..?? he told you..? or you only think.."
"i think i know.."
"hmmmm... should i go out with him then..?. it wont be good na.."
"you can try once.. he might be saying true.. you can judge.."
"hmmmm.... varun.. if he proposes me..? i dont know what to do.. u know.. no one has ever proposed me yet.. may be everyone thinks same about me.. but believe me.. i m not like that.. i have never been into any relationship.. i dont know how to handle all this.."
"dont worry.. he is a very good person.. he will love you very much.. take good care of you.. will give you each happiness you deserve.. you know he loves your eyes so much that he cant see tears in them.. and most of all he loves your smile.. he says it bridges your eyes through your cute nose.."
"aawww.. he is so cute.. hey varun tell me na.. what else he says abt me..?"
"he says .. you look like lily everytime.. fresh.. white.. pure.. he feels he is breathing.. only to see you smile.."
"really.. he loves me so much..? but why hasn't he said anything to me..?"
"as i told you.. he thinks you deserve much better than him.."
"okk... let him decide n tell".. Priya said and suddenly stopped near the coffee shop.. the one close to their office..
"what happened..? coffee..?" Varun was surprised..
"yes.. you wanna join..?"
"hmmm.. okk.." Varun thought himself to be the luckiest guy.. he never thought he wud be having coffee with the most beautiful girl of the left wing of the 3rd Floor of the building.. he was again talking to himself..
Inside he saw Saurabh sitting .. with some book in his hands.. sipping cafe mocha..
he was surprised to find saurabh here...
"varun.. he is saurabh.. he asked me for coffee in the office.. and see i am late now.. you are very bad.. Saurabh sorry haan.. varun was talking so much that i walked slow to listen.. and now i am late.." priya said folding her umbrella three times again..
"hey Varun..!!! hi man.. how are you..?.. dude.. i finally asked her out.. you wont believe.. she so easily said yes.. i thought she never would... i would have definitely died there only had she said NO.."
"Saurabh.. dont worry yaar.. she is not the kind of girl you think.."
"but you know how much.."
"yaa yaa.." varun interuppted as saurabh tried to explain again how much he loved priya..
"VARUUNN.. u dint tell me earlier.. that guy was Saurabh..?.." Priya.. who was listening to these guys for so long was finally in senses... "Saurabh.. is it true..?"
"yes Priya.. i love you.. i dont know what Varun has said to you.. but.. i love you.. I have no measures how much.. how deep.. how wide.. take it as deep like your eyes.. wide as your smile.. pure as you yourself.. and.."
priya suddenly started crying.. .. "saurabh.. please.. dont .. "
"what..?.. dont what..?" saurabh looking srprised.. looked at Varun.. who was already standing there clueless.. staring at everything as if someone mocked his heart again.. all he could see that his one more love is not his own again.. it was not the first time .. :)
"dont stop saying..".. priya continued.. ".. i want to hear whatever you have to say.. you know na.. i have never heard anything like that.. "
"Priya.. my words cannot define my love for you.. but beleive me.. i love you.. and i promise you.. this is the last time you are crying when you are with me.." This made priya smile eye-2-eye..
Varun came out of the cafe.. alone.. it had stopped raining.. he looked again at the sky.. shook his head.. and started walking to the right... talking... to himself obviously..
ho gaya na KLPD...!!:D:D
wats the need of being too smart..?:P
great one sir..... !
Nice story...
Yaar Jasmit, Tu bahut achha likhta hai. I enjoyed it a lot. Please do keep writing on topics like this.
Dude. I liked how Saurabh duped the girl Priya in his looovvvvvee. But at the same time I think the gurl deserved Varun. Dude next time make me a good guy who crosses border and fights the bad guys and gets his love.
shreyansh.. happens dude.. chill.. fer ho jayega pyaar..
thanks Raj..:)
hey "S".. thanks :)
Philo.. :) I have no other topic to write on .. :) thanks for all ur feedback..
Saurabh.. Gadar ya Veer-Zara..?
Nice story... Life is sometimes like that...
Bro im a frnd of jagmit n got ur blogspot thru facebook n i must say ur frnd says true that u xpress very nicely n truely i m now u r fan so when r u posting ur next blog i m waiting 4 it
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