Wednesday.. some day of August.. a month when sky is mostly covered in grey.. had some deep impact on Dev's life.
A life that had lost all the meanings for being happy.. Dev looked as if married sorrow and taken 7 births of promise.. though he wished that this could be his last birth..
17 years of age and so much pain.. this is not natural for a young boy who goes to school.. rides during rains.. plays during summers.. parties at evenings and somehow manages to pass in English during the terms..
this guy.. Dev doesn't deserve such a low life.. that too specially when he had the most beautiful day of his life just 2 days back.. on Sunday.. the first Sunday of August that world popularly call as Friendship day..
Dev, Arun, Vikram, Ashish, Naina and Gul.. friends as I knew them.. had some very different story behind each of them.
This special Sunday was planned out very perfectly by Dev. He managed 2 roses ( for the girls ), 1 Card and some amount of money for the fuel and dinner party from his Rs.50 monthly pocket money, that he saved since 4 months.. just make this one sunday special..
it was evening.. and his heart had already started racing fast.. he had called up 5 people at his place.. and was waiting for them.. and then Gul and Naina arrived (they used to go together only, when it came to visiting friends.. who felt insecured.. nobody knew..) and after few more minutes rest 3..
vikram knew very well what Dev's heart was going through .. he was the one who pushed Dev to talk to Naina... whom Dev loved staright from his soul.
dev look into Vikram's eyes.. impatience and worry clearly reflected.. but Vikram patted his thigh.. suggesting to cool down.. Dev tried to smile.. be a good host for the evening.. but could hardly speak.. his voice has certain numbness attached to it.. and gravity of his feelings pulled him down..
he constantly looked at Naina.. the girl of dev's life.. thoughts.. dreams.. future.. present..
Naina.. big eyes.. dusky complexion.. shoulder length hair.. divine smile and voice of dev's heart.. Naina.
Salwar kameez.. somewaht like skin colored with some Peach colour embroidery.. she looked Goddess to Dev.. who could hardly keep his eyes off her.. Naina kept noticing this but only smiled.. and everytime she smiled.. Dev heart stopped for that moment.. just to slow down the time.. and cage that moment for longer period...
6 people.. 3 bikes.. dev asked naina to come with him.. and she smilingly agreed..
what about the rest 4..? I dont know..
It was drizzling when they stepped out of Dev's home.. but decided to reach the restaurant as soon as posible.. for the dinner that was planned weeks before.. as the 2 bikes left.. dev suddenly wend inside the house.. and came back with a rose..
"Naina.. mmm... Happy Friendship Day to you.." and Naina blushed.. Pink overtook the sensous dark tone of her.. and Dev felt divinity during all these moments..
while they started for the restaurant.. the drizzles were now big drops of water.. falling hard on them.. It was sure that the rest 4 of them would have definitely been at the place and reserved the table.. so Dev slowed down his bike.. Naina clutching his shoulder felt relaxed.. and Dev drove the speed at which even running person could overtake..
He adjusted his rear view mirror to look at naina.. he cud see pearl drops of water on her face.. eyelids.. lips.. with she smilingly looking at the mirror..
they were talking through eyes and listening through hearts..
After they reached the venue.. they saw all 4 of them standing outside..
Dev asked them to go inside.. and order some snacks and coffee.. and as Naina started to walk with them.. he hold her hand..
Vikram took everyone inside as dev said.. and asked dev and naina to dry up and then step in..
Dev took out the handkerchief and gave to naina.. she wiped herself up.. thanked Dev and returned the Handkerchief..
Dev folded that piece of cloth and put that back in his pocket... and then he took out the card he bought.. and gave it to Naina..
Naina was surprised.. she was not expecting this..may be she was.. she had smile on her face but worry in her eyes.. some question.. why.. what.. me..? why..?
"please read it.." Dev could only say this much...
naina opened the card.. and read.. till the end.. folded it and put it back in her handbag.. and walked inside..
After that whole evening she never met eyes with Dev.. who looked nowhere else but her face.. that denied to show any smile later that eveving.. she finished her dinner and left with Gul soon..
Dev...!! His sleep vanished.. his dreams broken.. His present ached his heart and he wished he had no future.. no life.. He died every second..
Monday.. Naina dint come to school.. He tried calling her.. but she wont answer his calls.. he cried whole night..
Tuesday.. Naina came to school.. but refused to talk to Dev... he stood outside her class during whole recess. she dint step out of the class.. dev was awake whole night.. without any life in him..
Wednesday.. some day of August.. Today..
Dev dint go to school.. remained on his bed whole day.. refused all his meals and snacks... all the friends coming and going.. he dint talk much.. Vikram asked him to relax and then again a bell rang.. his Grandfather came and told him that some girl has come to visit him..
Dev went out and sprang back to life on seeing Naina.. he almost cried.. but hold back his tears..
"You dint come to school today..?" Naina asked Dev who was smiling ear to ear..
"I had no purpose coming there.. you woudnt talk to me.."
"I was searching for you today.. i need to ask you something.. and i want you to answer truthfully.." Saying this Naina took out the card Dev gave him on Sunday.. "i want you to read it.."
"read it..?.. but why.."
"because i want you to.. .. see Dev.. i too like you very much.. you know that.. dont you..? I dont want any thing hidden between two of us.. everything to be transparent.."
And suddenly the light went off.. 7:00 P.M. Load shedding..
a moment of silence and then Dev started saying..
"Dear Naina..
Its not about how you look.. how you talk or how you walk.. its all about how you make me feel..
It has been weeks since i realized that i cannot do with my life without you..
This might sound strange to you but i cant believe any thing could be more beautiful than you.. more heavenly than your company.. every day when i see you smile.. i fell for you.. everyday u make me know the wonderful meaning of love.
Youe are the perfect meaning of happiness to me..
I fear of the moment when you will go away from me.. I think i might forget breathing that day..
Naina.. i want to be with you all my life.. I want to die holding your hands only.. seeing into your eyes..
something has changed my meaning of life.. that "something" is your love Naina..
i dont know whether you love me or not.. but i totally believe.. i wont be able to love anyone now.. after knowing you.."
Naina was shocked.. Dev said each and every word exactly he wrote on the card.. she then hold his hand and kissed him..
dev was taller than her.. so she stood on Dev's feet.. Dev hold her to her waist.. and they kissed again..
After few moments when they opened their eyes.. they were wet.. with the happiness that drenched them few moments back..
mast hai as usual..!! sab dream jaisa lgta hai...foora filmy..!!fiction.:O
bt bhot achha hai..:)
love they way u think...of love..!!:D
nice 1.. but..
sahi hai boss... very romantic and feel gud... kudos... another chetan bhagat in making...rock on... \m/*.*\m/
shreyansh.. thanks bhai.. aisa hai to main scrptwriter ban jaunga.. :D
Bhai.. but.. i knw.. it wont be next time..
Tushar.. :) ye to bus ek curious attempt hai.. dekhte hain whts in store.. :)
The line I liked most of this story
"they were talking through eyes and listening through hearts.."
Good Story Jassi....
Jassi..I Know this Story ;-)
M agree wid jagmit.. nice 1 but dat magic s missing... ;)
you r a real story TELLER. it felt as if i was there
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