"Hey Dad.. m going.. will see u at dinner.." Amit screamed as he ran out of house..
His dad just replied.."OK.."
he picked up his bag.. and left out in hurry.. it was only an hour that he came back from London.. after 2 years..
as he went out.. he started running towards the cab stand.. where he could get the cab for the point he discussed with Saakshi.. to meet at.. when he wud be returning from London..
he got the cab and asked the driver to move as fast as he can for the sector-2 hill.. he couldn't wait.. he looked at his watch.. almost every minute.. "Fast.. fast dude fast..".. he shouted driver every minute..
and he looked at the big gate.. that just crossed by .. making him realize that the point is very much near...
he opened his bag.. and checked if the present is safe or not.. that he brought and thought of gifting it to her after they meet up..
he reached the point.. got down from the cab and asked the driver to leave while he cleared the fare..
he sat down on the large hump of hay in the bushes.. he looked around the place and felt as if he travelled back to time.. the picturesque view made him nostalgic as he went back to visualize the memories.. of Saakshi..
he remembered that day when he first saw her in the freshers party.. it was a dull afternoon.. he could not enjoy that day much.. all of his friends were busy with their girl friends.. and he was alone standing there with a glass of drink in hands listening to some uninteresting answers and facts spilled out by freshers in a desperate attempt to win the title..
he aaarrghhed at his fate.. and went out for another drink.. and saw one beautiful girl clad in a red-green silk saree.. he went near her.. and asked her name.. she looked at him as if he asked her whether she is single or not.. with a look of disgust and without answering she disappeared from the scene..
then as he turned back he saw a girl smiling.. who burst out out into laughter after seeing Amit's saddened face..
"Hi.. my name is Saakshi.. section B.. you are from section C right..?" she said to Amit..
"Hi.. Amit here.. yes from section C.. but I din't ask your name.. I asked her name.. and she went off.. she is also from section B .. isn't she..? ".. Amit answered back with his eyes still on the girl.. whose name he couldnt know..
"Hmmmm.. ya she is.. joined this year only.. her name is Payal.. but why are you so interested in her.. if she isnt..?" Saakshi asked..
"Well.. asking name means I am interested in her..?? Excuse me..!!"..
"Well.. Amit.. then why did not you ask my name..?"
"mmm.. because.. mmm.. may be I was too busy looking at her.. she looks damn beautiful.. oh my God.. what charm.. she's so sexy.. oops.. sorry.. Saakshi.. nice name yours is.."
"ha ha ha.. Amit.. you are a kid... come lets go inside.."
and they walked inside that boring hall again where some question answer round was going on.. for Amit it was getting intolerable .. he asked Saakshi if they can go some where else where he can feel peace..
in real he wanted to go to the place where his firends were.. though Saakshi was not her girlfriend, but on seeing Amit with a girl would definitely have given his friends an answer for the question they often put to him..
they came out of the hall.. and moved towards the parking stand..
"Saakshi.. can we go somewhere..? I am not liking this place and all.. somewhere peaceful.. park.. restaurant... anywhere but not here.. please.."
"hmmm.. okkk.. not to restaurant.. then I would order something.. and you will have to pay.. and i will not like that.. if you want to go some where peaceful.. I have a place that i can show you.."
"Cool .. lets go.." and Amit took out his bike and Saakshi sat behind her with her hand on his shoulder..
Inside his heart.. he already started liking Saakshi.. for her simplicity, for her way of dressing.. for her choice of colours.. for her smile.. for her deep black eyes.. for her velvety voice.. for her pink complexion.. for her frankness.. for she sitting behind him..
he rode to her directions.. and crossed many lanes.. many turns.. and finally they stopped near a small hill.. lush green grass every where.. small hump of hay between the bushes..
he stood still.. gazed around the sight.. and then looked at Saakhi.. who standing with her eyes closed.. feeling the wind that passed through her.. Amit found this moment extremely beautiful.. he held her hand.. she opened her eyes.. smiled and winked at Amit.."Like this place..?" and Amit nodded..
he came to present..
he looked at his hands.. he checked his cell phone again.. to check if she called.. then his watch.. and then got off the hay.. and started walking ..
from the distance he saw a girl coming.. whom he immediately recognized.. he stood still and watched her coming towards him..
"Wow.. Amit.. you look handsome.. ahaa.. London makes every one so cool haan..? so.. how you talk now..? wassup and all..?" and Saakshi laughed.. he too smiled..
he turned around.. and started walking to other direction.. opened his bag... took out a small box.. the thing that he brought from London.. just for Saakshi.. Saakshi was confused.. she followed him.. but before she neached near him.. Amit turned around again.. and went on his knees..
Saakshi stopped there only.. eyes wide open.. he raised his hands with a samll blue box in his right hand.. and then opened it with his left hand.. it had one diamond ring inside..
Saakshi covered her opened mouth.. she was about to scream.. tears were already in her eyes..
"Will you marry me?.. Saakshi..? and before you ask anything.. let me tell you everything.. I loved you since that day when we first came here.. since that day you are the only girl who have resided in my heart.. i wish to live with you since that day.. i wanted you to take in my arms that day only.. but God only knows why i dint do it that day only.. may be i dint had the courage.. but now i couldnt keep this thing to myself any more..
you remember you used to say.. there is someone who used to call you at midnight.. blank calls.. that someone was me.. I loved your voice at such midnight.. and you innocently saying hello hello.. hahaha.. and then i wrote my diary.. and after these many years i saw.. i had your name in every page of my entries.... I said to myself.. gosh.. i love her.. then i decided that I will confess my love for you the day I will come back to India.. to the place where we first went out..
aaarrrghh.. what am I saying.. hey Saakshi.. I love you.. Marry me.."
Saakshi stood there.. she listened everything.. now smiling and crying.. she forwarded her hand.. he put the ring on her finger.. stood up and gazed in her eyes.. and kissed her hands.. "Saakshi.. will you.."
and before he could complete his question again.. his lips were sealed with the kiss from Saakshi.. that went for a long time.. and after that Amit dint had anything to ask.. and they remembered the old time as they walked around the place.. with hands in hands.. and love for each other in their heart..
itna romance laate kahaan se ho../?
hamare paas to nahin hai...:P
Sec-2 hill.. something is fishy.. :D
nice one :)
nice description bro
"for her simplicity, for her way of dressing.. for her choice of colours.. for her smile.. for her deep black eyes.. for her velvety voice.. for her pink complexion.. for her frankness.. for she sitting behind him.." and want to know is shakshi a real character cuz i feel so
But there is a twist in the story which is unsaid....By the time Amit returned to India, Shakshi was already married and it was loss of emotion;)
Kya baat hai Jassi....This story seems to be real one..
Wonderful romantic story..
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