his room mate.. who was on call with her girlfriend living two blocks away.. he came an opened the door.. winked at him.. and gave a fake kiss on fone to his girlfriend.. and then moved to his room.. normal scene that Jasbir was now used to..
his other room-mate was totally Skyped.. never ever he saw him talking without being in front of his laptop..
he looked at his watch.. it was Christmas today.. and found that almost everyone were connected to their gifts that Santa gave them years ago.. he went to both the rooms.. and said.. "Merry Christmas dude.." and both of them just waved at him.. with a smile.. but no one came and hugged him tight and say.. "Merry Christmas to u too bro.. cheer up.. life will change.. happiness is around somewhere.. :)"
he so much wanted to feel happiness again.. he thought.. Shruti might be very happy at her place.. as she never called him after she got married.. he also wanted to smile.. but felt no reason to do so..
he lied down on his bed.. closed his eyes..
the pictures of past started flashing.. school days.. with friends.. parties.. that night after 10 years.. the other morning.. and one common face in all.. Shruti's.. he suddenly rose.. and took out his pullover.. his gloves.. opened the door and went outside his home.. switched on his bike and started riding..
it was bone freezing cold outside.. and then started cursing himself.. and then headed towards the 24 hour cafe shop.. somewhere near the IT park of the city..
he parked his bike .. and went inside.. and then he saw.. whoa.. all tables occupied..
just when he was about to leave.. a couple stoop up to leave.. so a set of couch was now all vacant.. and he calmly placed himself on it..
he ordered a cafe latte for himself.. and suddenly saw a girl in Santa cap wearing red cotton jacket.. in sexy shorts and high boots.. pushed opened the door.. and shouted loudly.. "Merry Christmas people.. oh.. every one has got love with him.. good you.. " and then she tumbled on the floor..
she was totally drunk.. partying somewhere all night.. and then she thought to come and have a cafe.. to lighten up her mood.. after the breakup she had 2 hours ago.. in the disc.. where her now Mr. EX.. tried to do something something with her getting her drunk.. and she slapped him..
then he pushed her in some cab and asked the driver to drop her where ever she says..
this is not what Jasbir thought.. this was something that the girl said to him after she came to her senses..
oh yes.. she was on the floor..
as she fell down.. Jasbir rushed towards her.. and with the help of the staff.. picked her up and put her to the couch opposite to where he was sitting..
she opened her eyes after 5 minutes of feet and palm massage.. had some water.. and then Jasbir ordered a Mocha.. without sugar for the lady..
"u alright now..?" Jasbir asked her..
she just smiled.. pain was clearly reflecting in her eyes.. just when she was about to cry.. Jasbir took out his handkerchief and offered her.. and she shouted again.. "I am not crying..."
he laughed and kept it back.. "So.. what makes you so happy on this Christmas night..?..!"..
and then she said what I wrote above.. and on listening to this Jasbir tried to console her.. but then she broke down.. obviously she was on a high.. and that made her totally losing her sadness.. her pain.. that he calmly listened to..
by then her Mocha was served hot to her.. and she slowly started getting back to normal..
then they laughed.. shared some jokes.. and then she said .."your eyes tell that you are alone.. away from someone.. ur heart seems scattered and your smile curves dont reach ur eyes.."
"hmmm.. seems you closely observe people.."
"yes.. I do.. i like knowing people.. their feelings.. and hey.. tonight we share same.."..
Jasbir looked into her eyes.. they were beautiful.. then to her nose.. it was cute.. and her lips had the tenderness of rose and freshness of dew. then he looked at his watch.. it showed 5 A.M.
He then said..
"Wow.. thats a lovely view.." and she looked outside the glass walls of cafe.. it felt as if moon has got brighter for the moment.. light blue the morning was.. she was again smiling.. and with happiness in her voice she said.. "certainly it is.."
he said.. "I was talking about you..".. and she turned and looked at him..
"do you try your cheesy lines with everyone.. if yes.. then I wonder how you are single.." and she was smiling again..
he blushed.. and she caught him with pink cheeks.. "okay.. I give you another chance.. dont lose this one.."
to this Jasbir gave a deep thought.. and then said.. "had you been single.. I wud have never let you be.." and she immediately said.. "o yes i am single..".. and then she covered her mouth.. and this time he caught her shy of her words.. she tightly closed her eyes.. in disbelief to what she just said..
and then she felt her hands touched by Jasbir.. he held her hands.. and said "there is no hurry.. I understand the phase u r in.. its not even hours and i said something like that to you.. my mistake.. but u r so true.. so real.. so beautiful.. but yet as a dream to me.. u remind me of the feeling i used to feel once.. love.. and shared that with you.. forgive me if i am anyhow the reason .. for even the least bit of pain you have gone through..".. and then he took his hands back.. and asked the staff to come with the cheque.
he cleared the bill and stood up to leave.. she also stood up.. she was silent.. she came with him to the parking lot where he kept his bike.. and then said.. "can i have your number.. so that i can call you sometime when i have decided..?"
"yes sure.." he said and gave his number..
"do you mind dropping me home.. i live nearby only..".. and he agreed and rode to her place.. and then he looked in the mirror.. it was tilted a bit and clearly showed her face... and he saw her watching at the mirror.. their eyes told everything that was in their heart.. through the mirror..
and then they reached at her place.. "hmm.. you dont live too far from my place.. i live just few kilo meters away.." and he tried to smile.. but couldnt.. then he said.. " call me sometime.. I will wait.."..
and then he rode.. but suddenly he stopped.. took a U turn and came back.. she was still there..
he said.. "hey.. my name is Jasbir.. and yours..? Atleast I would like to know the name of the girl for whom I felt something.."
she smiled.. she knew whats her decision would going to be.. and she said.."Shruti.. my name is Shruti.. and I will call you soon.."..
listening to this his heart skipped beats.. the time seemed immovable .. and the moment froze..
he was looking into her eyes as her voice with her name echoed in his heart... she turned.. waved goodbye to him and went inside her home.. he also drove back to his place..
he went inside his room.. and lied on his bed.. and then his phone rang.. he picked it up.. "Hi its Shruti here.. ur Christmas friend.. and I would love to meet you again.. just to say you something.. because.. I think I love you.. will call you again.. " and she dropped the call..
he closed his eyes.. because the dream just began..