Shruti got married. Not to Jasbir..
It was a long painful time that she covered alone to subside the feelings she had for Jasbir.. she just could not let memories of her only love die in her heart.. she took up a busy routine after her marriage..
she started doing a job that required her at late hours of the day in the office.. it was because more she was with her husband.. more she felt herself responsible of breaking Jasbir's heart.. She knew Jasbir loved her.. only her.. It was her weakness that couldn't let them be together.
it was this one sunday when she woke up early morning and found her husband sitting on an arm chair with a diary in his hands.. in the verandah which was lit dim with yellow bulb.. she wore her pink satin robe and walked down to him and found him sleeping..
she took the diary from his hands... and then a dry petal of rose slipped from between the pages on her feet.. she picked that up and placed it back between some pages.. she never knew her husband wrote.. and what was this single petal of rose was doing inside is diary.??
some questions that needed a definite answer started arising.. and then she opened the diary to serach for answers..
she went back to her room and read that diary word by word.. line by line.. date by date and page by page. Then she turned to the page that still had the shine of the fresh ink that coloured the paper this night.. and in that he wrote "I still love her.. may be she would never know.. but now i dont even want her to.." and that was it. Todays thought was all summarized in two lines.
she now knew that the life is not always fair to all.. it doesnt only have colours black and white but also the shades of grey in it.
she had rarely spoken to her husband in these past few years.. but today felt a need to tell him that what he feel today for the past.. matters a lot if you are not happy..
she took a pen and wrote and wrote on that page till the last line. within minutes she saw she had written all what she needed to convey to him.. she went downstairs again and left the diary in his hands..
in the morning when he woke up.. he saw the diary.. he saw a fresh petal of rose was peeping between the pages.. and he opened it to that page where it was kept by Shruti after writing on the page where he left last night.
it read..
"A petal of flower is very soft when its a part of the bud. The deepest colour is reflected that time.. and as the time passes the smell takes over.. the petal blooms to the most beautiful shape.. making you gift it to someone you have fellings for.. I too was gifted with many.. by one..
but when you pluck the petal out from the flower.. it hardly lives any day longer.. its essence is lost.. one can only say that it was a part of some flower which is now with someone unknown..
i read everything written in these pages.. and found that there is nothing worse than a sad heart..
into a shell when you hide yourself.. you also remain unoticed.. just like I wasn't able to know you.. many others would have also lost the chance..
There was a time when me and him used to walk together in the winter nights with hands in hands.. we used to look in each others eyes and silently say "I love you".. and then when eyes get wide with the smile.. we knew that we will forever be together..
we spent magical nights and wonderful days.. we used to walk in rains but never ever we felt we were wet as we were already drenched with the love for each other.. we felt only death can now part us.. we felt the warmth of sun enlighting our life.. and calmness of moon holding our moments..
it was always a pleasure to be with someone you know who wants you and only you in his life.. and being away is million times the pain.. I always felt.. that just like a starnger he wud call me someday from somewhere.. and say to me "I love you" again.. but that has never happened.. because i have kept myself in a shell..
he is not here but i feel his presence everywhere.. his love has become the shadow of my heart.. and i know you are feeling the same way..
its not about the feelings we share.. its all about what we dont share.. and that keeps us far from the truth.. frm the person who might be good.. who might love me more than i thought..
so when you feel like there is something you want to say.. hold my hands.. look into my eyes and say it to me.. I will never say No.."
After he read this.. he was cold.. he slowly closed the diary.. opened the window and looked towards the blue sky.. closed his eyes.. thought for a moment and then went to the bedroom..
he took Shruti's hands in his' ...she slowly opened her eyes.. and looked towards him.. and then he asked her.. "Do feelings change..? do people change..? memories fade..? and someone to whom you have not talked for months.. if he wants to love you.. and kiss your pain away.. would you allow him to..?"
"yes.." she said and hugged him.. and they kissed their way to their new begining.. that fresh rose petal.. spread the aroma.. beautifully..
touchy.. :)
nice :)
"its not about the feelings we share.. its all about what we dont share"
I liked it so much..it is very practically and romantically written and at the same time it hits your heart and mind :)
Like it and shared it :)
keep writing...
Dude...This is your fort. U r unbeatable when u pen down your romantic thoughts. Gr8 Wrk!
thank you all.. i somehow thought this wont be liked that much .. but now i know.. emotion is felt to everyone whose heart still beats.. and makes sound for love.. :) u guys are rocking.. :) thanks for all the appreciation..
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