Jane.. she was a synonym of grace, beauty and affection to Russel.
every morning when he woke up.. he admired the beauty of Jane as she came fresh out of shower draped in her bath robe with water dripping her long locks with a smile on her face.. and as she came near him.. he used to look into her lovely eyes.. with all his love.. and then kissed them..
every morning he used to lie in Jane's laps.. playing with her cheeks ... and saying "I love you.." countless number of times.. because everytime he said this.. Jane used to blush.. pink.. her lips used to twitch between her teeth.. and then she wud smile..
There were days when both of them used to sit in front of each other and then looked at each other for hours and hours.. and tried to say something with their eyes.. and then note it down on a piece of paper.. to check if they cud communicate through eyes too..? and yes they cud..
it was their second year of their marriage.. and they had already travelled half of the world.. had been to most of the known places.. big statues, water falls.. mountains.. sea and desert.. and had some moments of theirs named to each place they visited.. they kissed and named each one the place where they were..
one day she found a letter that he wrote when he was just another kid living next door on the day before Valentine's day.. she smiled... and opened the letter... its been 8 years after that day.. that letter looked still very new.. very pure.. with thoughts, warmth and words of love by Russel..
it read..
I dont know.. yes.. i dont know what has made me write this letter to you.. and more that that.. what has given me such courage to give it to you.. and you reading this letter has taken a sack of burden.. of pain .. of desperation.. down.. off my heart..
its not a story of a day before.. or a week.. a month.. or a year.. its my life.. that started the day when i saw you.. it were you. smiling.. in the bright white frock that made you look like a princess.. which u r truly now.. and i have been the slave of this heart that treats you his queen now.
i know my words are wandering at different directions.. but all they want is to reach your heart..
I never knew when and how i fell in love with you.. may be i was supposed to.. may be it was destined.. but now i feel.. this is something that i always wanted to do.. to be in your love.. think of you..
i see you everywhere.. in each rose.. in the calm flame of the candle.. in the drops of rain.. such has been your love to me.. its been years and i see there is no escape to this.. but i was never before i was like this.. I fear.. if i lose you someday.. would i be able to survive..?
what if you can't be mine forever..? what if ...
i have erased all the questions from my life that hints your separation from me..
you are in my dreams.. my memories.. you and only you... my heart ponders for your love.. each beat says a single name.. "Jane". But still i dont know how to say to you.. that I love you..
whenever i see you.. my heart says me to hold you.. give you a hug.. keep you close to my heart. so that the hearts could talk.. with no words.. it wants me to come close to you.. so that you could see in my eyes that how much I love you..
days and nights are spent in your thoughts.. my eyes search your presence.. i want to make you mine.. cage you in my eyes.. so that i can look at you even though when they are closed.. also after i die..
complete my destiny.. give my life a meaning.. give me a reason to live.. reason to smile..
i still dont know what to say more.. but all i tried to say to you is.. "I love you.."
she was smiling and had tears in her eyes.. and then suddenly Russel came from behind.. and held her by her waist.. she turned around.. looked in his eyes.. and hugged him tight...
then after few seconds she asked him.."heard anything..?"
"what..? No.. but yes felt heaven.." he replied with his smile.. "let me try again.." and he hugged her again.. softly... feeling the love that brought them so close.. and then said.. "Oh yes.. i heard.. but tell me is that true..?"
Jane said.."Yes.. I love you.." and Russel completed it.."..and I always will..!"