It was that part of the year when the rain has just started, the anxiety is on a lift and your heart beats faster than it generally does. Monsoon.
then Jai sitting at his usual place of the classroom,with tie up to his neck.. dressed in formals.. was blankly staring at the screen that was replaced with one slide after another.
his eyes stuck to the projector as he noticed variation in the projection light whenever the slide changed. then he looked towards the screen. Bright white screen for a split of the second ... and this activity was getting repeated for last 2 hrs..
just wehen the clock showed 11.. he looked at the Professor, who un-interestingly walked through the class giving a ten minute break.
As the crowd slowly vented off the class.. Jai slowly stood up.. turned towards the window and pulled aside the curtains. His eyes shone with happiness.. excitement.. joy...
It was raining..!
The drops of rain splattered at the window panes and slid off the glass making a trail and direction for other drops to follow... as he counted hundreds of drops followed the path that the first drop left behind... he smiled...
he smiled of innocence.. of purity .. of the child inside him.. of the pain and the sorrow.. as he went back to the past he thought he left behind years back..
It was the same kind of setup in the August of 2007 when the whole class left for the lunch. As he stood beside the window stretching his hand outside... feeling the rain falling on his palm... and his eyes closed.. And then when a swirl of air swayed droplets on his face.. he slowly opened his eyes... to find a girl.. getting drenched to her heart's content... dancing with the falling rain in the school uniform.
and when she looked up towards the sky... her eyes met with the most curious eyes in the way between.. she had ever seen..!! and looked into them for an eternity.
She immediately understood the unsaid words behind those pair of eyes.. feelings that connected hearts.. bond that last for a lifetime. They both stood still and gazed at each other's heart.. and then Jai started walking towards her..
he moved out of the classroom.. walked into the rain... towards his love... and when they .... .........
.......... suddenly Jai's cell vibrated ... that made him come back to present... he checked his cell.. It was Nisha who messaged him.. he opened it .. it read.. "I love you.. miss you.. what are you doing..?"
to which he replied back.. "Its raining here..."
1 comment:
back after such a long period and still having same effect.
dying to read the next.
Hope it will be soon
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