The life of Jasbir has been a roller coaster ride since Shruti was once again the word on his lips.. the face on his heart and motive of his life.
he was seen smiling again.. the near and dear ones noticed a new charm in his behaviour and pulled his leg often. dark circles were gone.. as he reduced his working hours and started a routine of talking to Shruti over the night with his eyes closed. he felt he has taken birth again.. this time to be with with Shruti.. again.
It was sunday morning when his cell rang.. different ringtone. (For Shruti he had a different one) His boss called. He picked it up and answered .. "Yes boss.. .. now..? but I had different plans.. yes I knw its urgent..as always... yaa .. tomorrow off..? sure..? ok.. I will be there in an hour.. and boss.. thanks.."
he sprang out off the bed and rushed towards washroom. Got ready in minutes and dressed casually.. quickly wiped the dust off his bike.. kicked start it and started riding for office.. on sunday morning when his roommates were still snoring out the saturday night sleep.
he was all happy.. his boss promised him a Monday off for coming on that day.. Monday.. VALENTINE's DAY..!! he coudnt thank God much on that day..!
he happily passed over the day with earphones in his ears and listening to all romantic songs that he loaded in his cell phone last weekend.. and that were in repeat mode..
each good line of the song brought a smile on his face. Each song brought the face of Shruti in front of his eyes.. he would blindly stare the monitor.. and then after minutes he would blink and find himself in a different world.. that is without Shruti.. that would make him sad.. still the happiness in his heart kept him smiling..
as the work got over.. he mailed his boss and left the office.. Instead of lift he preferred stairs.. swiftly walking as he moved out of the office gate.. he felt the chill in air.. The clouds hovered around and gave a strong hint that they would rain...
as he was looking up he closed his eyes.. Shruti's face came instantly and impatiently he said.. "how much i love you.. " and then his cell started ringing..
It was Shruti who called.. he picked it up and she asked.."kii kar raye ho..? Kitthey ho..?" (What are you upto right now..? and where are you..? ).. to which he replied.. "Huney hii office to nikleya hana meri jaan.. ghar jaa reya c.." ("just came out of the office.. was on my way to home..")
"Office..? es waaste call ni kitta..? te Sunday nu kyuuuun..?"(Office..? thats y u dint call.. and why on Sunday..?)
"Kal di chhutti mil gayi hai.. kal shaami milde haan"..(got a day off tomorrow.. meet you in the evening..)..
and then he kicked start his bike and started moving on his way home..
Came the 14th of feb. his day.. the day he decided he would officially ask Shruti to be his Forever..
as the sun started to set down.. his feelings had a rise in his heart.. he was over whelmed with joy and excitement.. and courage binded them all with hopes of happiness that awaited him..
he pulled out the brightest white shirt he had in his wardrobe.. pulled out a fresh pair of jeans.. his musk perfume.. his Tag-Heuer.. and checked the credit card in his wallet..
then as he moved out of the home.. he looked up.. at the dark blue sky.. closed his eyes and remembered his Grandfather..
he knew God might be busy in hearing other concerns of people.. but his Grandfather was there only for him..
after few minutes.. he was there at the restaurant.. the table was already booked by Jasbir in the morning.. and he ordered coffee.. no.. tea.. no.. lemon tea.. no.. Lime soda.. no no.. yes.. Sweet Lime Soda.. as he killed minutes in wait of his love.. who arrived...
who arrived.. wearing a white evening gown and the most beautiful smile.. with the best eyes in the world that glitterd with happiness..
On seeing her Jasbir stood up.. and as she came near.. they were looking in each other's eyes.. they knew they dont had anything to say through words.. Jasbir took her face in his hands.. and slowly kissed her forehead and her eyes.. and then they hugged each other.. for the first time.. and this time Shruti said.. "I love you.." and the embrace grew stronger..
then when they released each other.. their eyes were wet.. they had rediscovered the love they had lost once, earlier in their life.. then Jasbir said..
"Shruti.. though I tried to tell you many a times that I love you.. somehow i always felt that you knew it already.. but today.. i believe I had to tell you this.. because you deserve to be loved.. and you should know that it is me who love you most in the world..
It is me who think about you each day and night.. each dusk and dawn.. each second and minute and each breath and blinks..
It is me who believes that I can love you till I exist.. that I can keep you happy till you are there.. and can make you forget each your pain..
and It is you.. who are the most beautiful one.. who resides in my heart where it beats.. whose face goes down with sun and rise with moon.. who makes my universe only as large as your eyes.. and its your name that is spelled out with my each breath..
Shruti.. I love you.. nad it is you who has made me to say this.. but please.. be mine.. forever.. say yes...!"
and as he stopped.. Shruti kissed him.. with tears flowing through.. and then mumbling with words she tried to say.. "i always tried to say Yes .. but i thought you always knew what was in my heart.. and..".. and tears started flowing like a stream of water.. and Jasbir wiped those tears and said slowly in her ears.. "This is the last time I am seeing you cry.. you deserve only smiles.." .. and she smiled while she cried.. and hugged him.. close to her heart.. with a promise to be with each other.. forever..
"who makes my universe only as large as your eyes.."
Winning Line of the season..
All the best :))
agree with jagmit
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