with this post i wud like to put an end on my journey of ILP.. though there have always been some moments that cant be written but that doesnt mean that i've forgotten them.. ur words are still into me.. saved in my cage.. people who matter to me are very few.. and m glad that now even u all are also a part of it.. as together we make a bond.. a unity.. which always gets popular with every hour.. AAO FRIENDS.. the name of fun that kept the momentum going even in the worst and hardest of times.. A tribute to all of u.. ur existence.. from my perspective... so any questions.. ask me directly.. ;)
the people i met.. ( in chronological order)..
1. Swakshar
ohh GAWWWDD... this man is like sting in ur tail.. u feel the pain but its still a part of u.. some times irritating.. he has been the spice of the journey called ILP.. from TDS to Liquid.. from mid-night House Parties to the TANG after hangovers.. from Digital Fortress to the Mayyiyat Man.. he gave all of us many a reasons to celebrate and get jovial.. he definitely showed stars to many of us with his crude talks.. but never ever let the bond of friendship weakened in front of anyone.. one of the pillars that made this gang stand still at every worst going.. great host.. fabulous person to get along with.. always a company if u want to eat.. pushes u to have fun and makes u realise that u shud party as u never know when u'ld finish off from this earth.. witty talks.. gave me many reasons to smile whenever i felt low... talent loaded in him but rarely gets displayed.. down to earth.. aims higher than sky.. thats how i address Kundu..
2. Ravi
hmmmm... he was a grandfather within all of us.. body of 20 but mind of a 60 yr. old one.. thinks.. and thinks and thinks.. and then askes u what did u said few minutes back to him.. coz he never listened to tou while he was thinking.. matured and rational decisions he takes.. sometimes when irritated he definitely makes ur time bad.. well i hv hardly seen him making ur time tuff.. but always a great company of ur gud times.. this man actually made me realise that we shud study in our training programme... well.. it was a delight to watch him with his broad smile that covers half of his face.. some one whose company still makes me feel that friends alws accompany u wherever u go..
3. Anoroop
hmmm... "yayyyyyyyy...." and "light le lo.." .. when u hear this voice coming from a corner.. get sure anuroop is talking.. well a man who generally prefers listening over talking.. a reader by nature.. someone who believes his luck wud never ditch him.. a person who buries most of his emotions and pours out only when he is wid himself.. i hv hardly seen him worrying upon any matter... a shining star that always twinkled whenevr it was a dark night... listened to all of my coffee table plans and always nodded to what i said.. gave me some amazing memories to remember and cherish for.. always...
4. Saurabh
ab YE KYA HAI...?? iske baare mein bhi likhna padega..?? hehheee.. this guy was one of the most mysterious characters of ILP... his words.. one cud never take out a single meaning from it.. seriousness reflecting from surface.. he is always confused about the happenings around him.. people loved him for his unusual acts.. he is an instant famous.. he hates summers... loves his streaked hairs.. he tries to do all possible things in life and has guts wid him that is followed by glory..
5. Abhishek
here i met a boy with broken hindi.. that generally brought smiles on everyone's face whenever he used to explain anything in hindi.. though he was a man of total FUN.. he kept his promises whenever he was wid us.. a very emotional man... feels a lot for bangalore and always beleives in making friends feel special.. a great party goer.. love to chill out wid whatever companion he gets.. makes friends in no time and always cages a special place for them in his heart.. humor in his talks is like sweetness in sugar.. responsible for many a things that enlightened the spirits of us..
6. Ganesh
Yo man.. this guy was the most simple one in our group.. though we had very less talks.. but still he was a man that truly had some vision in his eyes.. he always had a wish to do better in the tasks he did.. we shared some common interests.. getting late for office.. having tea in evening.. and getting screwed in EC1.. well a soft spoken man with a pure heart... friends come in all sizes and shapes.. :)
7. Manish
stylish.. smart.. lean n thin and i called him Mr. Volume.. he will start slowly.. and gradually increase his volume of voice... gets excited very soon.. has a fetish for reading i suppose ( as he had a bagfull of books during training period..) well never does anything wrong but always gets trapped in the acts.. has been a wonderful frnd to everyone.. his talks will always stay in ur minds.. so.. he will alwz be there in our memories..
8. Manoj
soooooo.......... manoj is here.. and whats he doing..?? ohh.. he is studying... well i beleive he spent 70% of his time with his books.. and got paid off well in the second phase.. he was a company to me when almost no one was there.. some talks we shared were heart to heart.. well kool by nature he also parties hard.. as hard as he works.. the best thing in him is.. he knows what he wants and gives his full effort.. best thing abt him is.. he takes serius matters lightly and solves them practically.. that very few people know to do..
9. Animesh
finally i get a chance to write for him... great great great person... initially dint knew him well but as the days passed.. he started to get on my nerves.. never left a chance to bug me.. but ironically.. i sumhow liked his company.. well.. he was a partner to me whenever something bad i wanted to do.. made a hell lot of fun to me.. but even cried wid me.. accompanied me when i definitely needed a company.. been wid me at the hardest of times.. though nerve scratching.. he made moments lighter wid his smile...
........................ so.. finally this thing is over... ILP .. was a great time.. :)
we live in phases, each one binded with someone else's.. what you thought about me.. and what i was.. the revelation.. as .. how I existed in YOU..
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
some words for "life"..

"so.. jasmit.. tell me the shortest description of the word life.." a question asked to me in my most important interview..
it was already like 25 minutes in the room and what i could see in the room was the set of eyes expecting an answer that could really give him enough reasons to hire me.. that person wud have been like 50 at age.. hairs and face reflecting the wisdom and experience he had in his lifetime.. a smile that motivates you to be a success.. calmness of water and cool as ice. that person was staring straight into my eyes to judge whether that answer will be a fake one or something that originates straight from my heart.. as by now he was well aware that i have capabilities of knitting net of words.. my poems proved that to him...
with utmost sincerity i answered the shortest answer possible.. " sir.. life is candle.."
i never had a blink of eye since the second i was asked this question.. my eyes wanted to cage all the moments of his expression after hearing my answer.. as this has been my habit.. i cudnt fake myself at that point of time.. then i saw a smile.. the smile which makes you feel accepted.. the smile of agreeness. the wrinkles on his face gatherd together so as to wish each other.. smile on his face stretched from the lips to the ears.. and from ears to eyes..
and i was selected for the company.. well i had to.. there was no other option left.. neither for him.. nor for me..
................................ been like 2 years now.. life has changed a lot.. the candle is now shorter in height.. though the intensity of flame is same.. one can see the molten wax at the base.. proof of the warmth generated by me..
now i am coming to an end.. i hv lived enuff.. brighten many a lives.. and been a company for unknowns.. meaning of life is now changing..
its what u see in the pic.. now "sir.. its no more a candle.. its candle.. with a blank sheet ready to be scribed upon by a pen.. and a cup that contains your favourite flavour of life.. mine is coffee..".. astonished..??? u shud be.. how can just 2 years can change a person so much.. well it can.. and it has..!!
gone through many phases.. met many people.. if u be only a candle.. they have much stronger heat than ur own flame to melt you.. but why..?? cuz.. u are not enlightening their lives..
so i have given them an option..
write on the paper what they want me to be... scribe down what u feel.. scratch on me.. and if u want.. tear me up.. but dont blow winds to put my flame off... i hv been thruu enuff of torments.. i hv seen a lot of winds trying to wave me off.. so please now follow my way..
i will burn my way for you.. u have a cup of coffee there.. sit there.. sip my flavor of life.. and enjoy watching me getting melted second by second the way you want... interesting view.. isnt it..??
Saturday, April 25, 2009
in love.. for PUMA..

"jassi.. aaj tu office jaayega..?".. those were the words Saurabh asked me when i woke up at 10 in the morning today.. while he was hooked up to net surfing some torrent site.. and i sadly said NO.. as i had to open an account for the passport thing..
so.. while i gazed at the television with some song channel playing any random song.. saurabh now fully ready moved out of house so that he can have some cool air in office's AC..
well he goes there when he feels its too hot in here at home.. he goes there.. hits the gym for an hour or so.. plays carrom.. chills at maitree room.. have his lunch.. then coolly comes back to city centre to spend his evening.
but.. this lovely routine showed him the worst part of kolkata today.. since morning the weather was too hot.. hot enuff to burn ur skin.. but courage was all saurabh's as he decided to go to office.. well.. i told him not to go and company me for bank work.. but he insited on going and i dint forced him.. soon after he left.. a message comes.. " bahut garmii hai bahar.. mat nikalna.. jal jaaoge".. the second message.. "rice ko balcony mein rakh do.. boil ho jayenge.. gas waste mat karo..".. i was laughing at each of his word.. his sense of humor is impeccable. his witty talks brings smile on my face..
anyhow.. whole day passed.. i went to bank wid anuroop.. my work complete by 4:00 PM.. i came back and had a nap.. then.. again i felt its too hot.. so we decided to move out to city centre.. then came saurabhs message.. "aaj bahut frustration nikalni hai.. jaldi milo city centre pe".. we went there and as we were having some gupchups there.. saurabh came wearing different t-shirt than what he wore in the morning..
in the morning he wore a PUMA T-SHIRT which almost looks like the one in the pic.. i thought.. may be after gym he wud have changed his t-shrt but the moment he met.. he started yelling.. "this place is the worst of its own kind.. u go to gym.. and when u return.. u see ur t-shirt gone.. stolen.. we work in the company where every one is paid.. but these ethics..? these values..? this is what our company boasts of..?".. and we were shocked.. saurabhs T-SHIRT.. his PUMA that was gifted by her sister was stolen in company's gym..
he was broken.. he hardly said anything more after that.. we sat in city centre for few minutes.. and returned back.. saurabh.. sleeping behind me has no idea whatsoever where his t-shirt might be.. but what i can see is HIS LOVE.. FOR HIS PUMA.. this aint meant to laugh.. but before he slept he said.. "why all this has to happen wid me only..?".. do u hv an answer..? i dont have..
Friday, April 17, 2009
ILP... 13th FEB.. The Friday.. Last Day..
never wanted this day to come.. as who likes to get away from friends.. but..days dont go as u alwz wish.. this morning when i woke up.. i felt i ws already teary.. and when saw in mirror.. dried streaks of tears were all over my face.. as if i've cried whole night while i slept. my heart was heavy.. cudnt say a word.. and as i saw everyone getting ready for the last day.. i cud sense they were feeling sad too.. the best time of life was now on the verge of end..
sukkhi and rohit ( my cllg juniors ) came to meet me early in the morning... we chatted for a while.. being closest to me.. i cud see they were feeling bad as that was my last day in bhubaneshwar wid them. any how we got ready.. and had some pics outside the historical appolo villa...
then when reached koel campus.. the environment was different.. everyone busy to capture the moments under their lenses.. people divided in groups.. talking to each other as if they are never going to see them ever again.. this was obvious..
but i wasnt able to talk to anyone.. i stared hard at everyone's eyes.. but cudnt say a single word.. people shedding tears.. taking photographs.. contact no.s email ids.. employee no... actually flowing in the waves of emotions that originated from their hearts.. was leading nowhere.. but just to the end of ILP.
the people from jabalpur were having a round table conference.. like each one representing the view for other person.. even appolo villa people started doing that.. and it was fun.. saurabh imitating sharukh's moves.. animesh doing "haule haule" and "tujhmein rabb dikhta hai".. me doing a thanks giving.. once again.. without slangs ;).. some how we tried to pass away the day.. which was growing heavier second by second.. i dont even remember hw much coffee i had that day.. i was talking to a few people whom i really knew wont b able to talk anymore so easily.. i tried to put an end on shiv's "sach bol".. an end on richa's "ye to hudd ho gayii".. end on kudus "abe senti.." and end on my heart's push to cry on such memories..
the last session.. people were awarded for scoring gud in 1st phase.. ( of course i wasnt in there.. ).. and then.. it actually happened.. tearful eyes.. shaking of hands.. hugs .. painful smiles.. "best wishes" and "take care" with "be in touch" messages.. personally made my feet heavy and hrd to move.. i dint wanted to stay there any longer.. i just had a rhy smile on my face.. and before i broke out in tears i preferred to leave from there..
i thanked my LC sudha for being such a wonderful guide.. my project mates.. and those people whom i wud never b able to forget. best times in life are very hard to close..
reached home.. packed bags... and left appolo villa when almost no one was there.. manoj n kundu.. saw me off.. sukkhi rohit swati tapas n many more juniors came to see me off.. i wanted to meet everyone.. but cudnt.. i cant wave sign off with tears in my eyes.. neither in theirs..
and as the kundu was continuing on his strings.. with the most beautiful tune i left the appolo villa for ever..
something happened to me that made this day one of the worst ones in my life..
Friday the 13th.. i hate that day..
then when reached koel campus.. the environment was different.. everyone busy to capture the moments under their lenses.. people divided in groups.. talking to each other as if they are never going to see them ever again.. this was obvious..
but i wasnt able to talk to anyone.. i stared hard at everyone's eyes.. but cudnt say a single word.. people shedding tears.. taking photographs.. contact no.s email ids.. employee no... actually flowing in the waves of emotions that originated from their hearts.. was leading nowhere.. but just to the end of ILP.
the people from jabalpur were having a round table conference.. like each one representing the view for other person.. even appolo villa people started doing that.. and it was fun.. saurabh imitating sharukh's moves.. animesh doing "haule haule" and "tujhmein rabb dikhta hai".. me doing a thanks giving.. once again.. without slangs ;).. some how we tried to pass away the day.. which was growing heavier second by second.. i dont even remember hw much coffee i had that day.. i was talking to a few people whom i really knew wont b able to talk anymore so easily.. i tried to put an end on shiv's "sach bol".. an end on richa's "ye to hudd ho gayii".. end on kudus "abe senti.." and end on my heart's push to cry on such memories..
the last session.. people were awarded for scoring gud in 1st phase.. ( of course i wasnt in there.. ).. and then.. it actually happened.. tearful eyes.. shaking of hands.. hugs .. painful smiles.. "best wishes" and "take care" with "be in touch" messages.. personally made my feet heavy and hrd to move.. i dint wanted to stay there any longer.. i just had a rhy smile on my face.. and before i broke out in tears i preferred to leave from there..
i thanked my LC sudha for being such a wonderful guide.. my project mates.. and those people whom i wud never b able to forget. best times in life are very hard to close..
reached home.. packed bags... and left appolo villa when almost no one was there.. manoj n kundu.. saw me off.. sukkhi rohit swati tapas n many more juniors came to see me off.. i wanted to meet everyone.. but cudnt.. i cant wave sign off with tears in my eyes.. neither in theirs..
and as the kundu was continuing on his strings.. with the most beautiful tune i left the appolo villa for ever..
something happened to me that made this day one of the worst ones in my life..
Friday the 13th.. i hate that day..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
ILP... 12th FEB..
hmmm...so second last day.. morning was very painful.. yes.. my head was spinning and was aching very badly after last night's drink.. ohh.. i remember i took 2 disprin tablets.. had lemon drink, 3 cups of tea and lots of plain water..
while this whole drama was carrying on.. i cud see everyone laughing.. some one kicking on my butt saying.. " jab pii nahin sakta to kyun piitaa hai itna...".. hahahha.. i agree.. hence after i decided i wont drink.. i dint knew for how long i wud keep that promise to myself.. but i was sure that i wont do that again. early in the morning.. saurabh came.. he wid ravi started to bug me.. complaining that i spoiled the whole night as they missed all the fun.. while they were busy doing programming in lab for the project work that had to be shown that day..
well.. it was thursday.. so i dressed in my fav combination.. ( red tie, white shirt and black trousers ).. wanted to feel gud again.. ahh.. last day was so bad.. but had all my intentions co cover up that with this day. never for a single moment i let anyone felt that i had any sort of pain in my heart except that few faces i fell in love with.. wud not be there from next day.. few people who i now thought as a part of my life will leave only their memories after next day.. few ppl i loved wont be seen now from the next day..
me as a person is emotionally very strong.. when it comes to face.. but renuka said me one evening that my eyes speak a lot and my face never support my eyes.. so however cold my reactions are.. warmth is always felt.. i was very shy to hear that.. but it was the truth that she told.. almost everyone close to me asked me.. whats bothering me...
what i cud hv said hv been a lie if i had said "nothing".. but.. i dint said that.. i tried to tell almost all people who wre in ILP close to me that how much they mattered to me.. how much close i felt they were to me.. how much a part of mine they had become. the batch 74 A and 74 C returned to the Koel Campus from IT park.. so was having a hell lot of gud tym.. few faces returned.. abhishek, anuroop, richa, puneeta, abira, bharat n all.. felt like as if i got oxygen just before i thought m out of breath.. that push of adrenaline in me.. made a day very happening for me..
i spent hours talking with every one... but but but... before that we had the project presentation that day.. gosh.. it was so good.. Mr. Doubtfire Yogananda gave the best explanation of the project. i think.. sudha was happy the way we represented our project.. and then a small viva.. in which i answered not a single question.. great time... it was the happiness of getting released on 13 that was hovering on me..
what else i remember of that day is.. a talk with richa and abira in the canteen.. where richa described me her "criteria" for her right man.. and i was all laughing.. and still laughing while writing this.. few serius talks.. heart to heart that made this bond strengthened better than ever.. as B-70 batch whatever we did.. like.. play, the extempore.., book review.. project time.. the cobbler day.. everything.. may be anuroop and abira wud hv felt like a spectator.. but i cudnt hv done much regarding that..
came evening.. we started packing our bags.. after it was done it was the time the appolo villa B-3 decided to have a party.. may be the last one together.. and we started moving towards Far Pavillion.. as we landed there best thing was viewed.. a bull fight.. it was awesome.. one car was on its right two wheels after one bull striked it hard.. it was spectacular..
time began to fly it seemed.. few drinks in.. the people hearts came out.. i dint had drink that evening.. cuz i never wanted to spoil that moment.. so decided to hear everyone.. lots of discussions.. some gravitated.. some senseless.. but it was a bonding that everyone kept close even after so many ups and downs.. as anuroop says.. "if a relationship only goes smoothly.. then its no fun.. it shud hv ups n dwns.. that adds spice to it.."..
these people added a lot of spice to my life.. kundu, manoj, manish, animesh, ravi and anuroop.. they truly made my life a memorable one.. they gave a freshness to my life.. if i was the rose.. they were the dew drops in it.. it i was the alcohol.. they were the ice in it.
manoj had his time that evening.. he had so much that even he puked out.. but real fun was when kundu heard that he wud hv to walk now for almost 2 kms. that definitely showed him some stars.. after 40 mins of walk we reached B-3.. where 1st thing kundu did was to search for his asthama pump.. he was so furious that he watched TV at the highest volume possible.. kundu will always be Swakshar Kundu..
as everyone was done with the day.. tired people caught their beds and grabbed the corner for a last night sleep in appolo villa.. i slept last.. ensuring everyone had a smile on their face while they slept..
Thursday, April 9, 2009
ILP.. 11th Feb..
probably the saddest day of my life.. some thing unusual was there in the air.. that never gave a right feeling.. since morning it was felt by me.. that this day wud be remembered by u for ur whole life... and that happened.!
the smile that u see in this pic is just momentary.. it was after all the bad was over.. those people who were caught cheating were terminated from the job.. so a lot of tears shed.. many sad faces dont give u a reason to be happy.. right..?
well above from that.. there was some different fact that captivated my mind throughout the day.. something that wont forget ever in my life.. something that has now changed my life to a very great extent.. something that no one wants.. the thing that tears u apart and hurts u most.
i hope you know P.S. ( if not.. follow my earlier blogs..).. well i proposed her today..
we were chatting on gtalk as we used to do.. i was on same laptop no. 19.. with ankit playing some bike game in his lappy.. yogananda and seenu busy in project work that was to be shown next day.. and me chatting.. but it turned out to b the chat of my lifetime.. not in gud sense but in true fact. after many years passed by.. since 2004 words that were unsaid.. were finally told..
the message was given.. she was made aware that some one still loves her with all his heart.. some one still remembers all her talks.. some one will always wait for a lifetime.. just for her.. and that "some one" was me..!!
well enuff of emotions pouring out that day.. aah.. i was feeling too nostalgic.. i had now other way to hide myself down... and the reply i got was as usual NO.. NEVER..
u don't know.. but i have heard the same answer many times in my dreams.. but this one did hurt!! it went straight to the core of my heart.. made a home and stayed.. NO.. NEVER..
came evening.. i wid animesh decided to have a beer.. as i knew he wont say no to BEER atleast.. we went straight to appolo.. and saw some setup at saurabh's place.. where abhishek was lying ill.. but everyone else were ready wid their bottles ready to be gulped down the thirsty throats. we got 1 beer each for ourselves wid some snacks and landed in B-2. anuroop saurabh swakshar manish and ravi dint had it.. but few of them were surely spectators of one of the beautiful nights of appolo villa.. people from all regions present there.. ( of course except faridabad guys.. ).. enjoying limitless fun the night had to offer..
i was trying to drink my pain.. but it only added to it... anirudh.. acting like the head of the family was sitting on the main side of the table and was smiling devilishly at my every drink. as the first one ended.. i was done with my brain cells.. they seemed to be died.. just like my soul that day.. they were not supporting me.. and that made me give my "thanks giving".
i started.. blabbered in between.. thanked everyone who made my life so pleasurable in the ILP.. and special note came for animesh.. that made him hide his face from the camera of his own cellfone. well it was all affection..
that was the first time i dared to touch second bottle.. it was too over in a few minutes .. and ordered for the third.. THEN... then something happened within me that i dint liked.. but from that corner.. anirudh was continuously saying.. "pii le jasmeeeet.. kuchh nahin hoga.. ghabra mat.. ".. but.. it wasnt my take. i puked.. and went to my place .. made a swimming pool there ( as all the roomies said) and slept.
i had no conscience whatsoever that happened after that.. cuz i was lost in the memories.. that i never remembered after that night.. :))
Monday, April 6, 2009
ILP.. few tests and Party..
okk.. so.. i left at the pain in eyes..
i cud see some people gazing at each other.. staring each others eyes and finding their path, to the depths of heart.. so that they cud b a part of each others lives.. but as destiny played its role.. all were divided..
i was heartbroken that night.. after lohri.. as i saw few sad hearts behind those smiling faces.. life showing me new phases.. that i hardly thought wud come my way..
so.. came the second test.. i cleared once again.. with same 58%.. haa haa.. no retests or revivas.. nothing.. now it was all about me.. my laptop no. 19 putty n orkut.. and for ankit n animesh... their flash games and old games like contra n all.. we were having the best time possible.. but few fell into the traps of retests.. kundu, gautam, manish, abhishek, richa, puneeta, shiv.. it was bit sad.. but nothing much cud hv been done regarding this..
so.. the day came.. friday.. 6th of feb.. the retest day.. every one was excited.. not bcuz of tests.. but bcuz of the party we were having that evening.. but never knew the day wud start in this passion.. all the candidates who were facing retests were placed in lab I and lab II.. rest were sitting in labs.. few minutes gone by.. i saw people coming out of the labs.. anger reflecting.. they were furious.. frustrated wid something..
when aware of the reason.. i felt so humiliated.. felt like i was carrying someone's burden on my shoulders.. as few were caught cheating.. in the most pathetic way.. well.. whatever u say.. pathetic or ignorant or absent-minded.. the fault done was crime now.. n penalty was.. the test was canceled and the people concerned were now under charge..
but what were all concerned about was.. what abt tonight's party..? who will come now..? i cud see kundu n richa.. like on the verge of breaking an eye tear.. depressed to the core.. i felt really bad for them.. day passed very saddy saddy.. i dint even do orkut that day..
came evening.. me manoj n kundu were the first of lot who went to venue place.. we were the hosts for the evening.. i had o move out for arrangement of flowers (the roses.. for auctioning).. so by the time i returned back.. everyone was bouncing on dance floor.. i was angry on kundu for sending me to arrange for flowers.. so i decided i wont dance.. i took a seat n watched others dancing.. then from somewhere in the dark.. richa sudeshna abira and divya came.. pulled my hand and asked me to dance.. i hesitated.. but then.. they were dancing.. n as a man i cant deprive b'ful women of their wishes.. i also danced..
my anger melt within a second.. i felt light in my heart.. n started enjoying the music.. we had a lot of pix that night.. few on the name of friendship.. and few on the name of FRIENDSHIP again.. :)).. then an announcement by kundu.. the auctioning of roses.. the hero was ANUROOP VIJAY.. he bought the rose for 650/- onlyyyy...
he was blushing.. carrying the sweetest smile of the lifetime... the name he took to gift his flower was also shocking to many people out there... abira.. the name was abira.. we appolo villa ppl knew who it wud b.. but no one thought of her name coming in limelight..
well.. they danced.. and kundu danced wid sudeshna.. n it was actually very funny.. :P i was smiling all the time.. then i decided to capture some spcl moments.. all AAO FRIENDS.. the chennai gang.. ankita shaurya puneeta along wid all of faridabad gang..
saurabh, anirudh, shiv dint turned out for the party.. god only knows why...
that night was a night of memories.. that night everyone had a blast.. party was great (afterall.. who arranged that..?? ).. i took a seat somewhere at the corner.. and saw people who came there.. in few weeks they were so close to us.. i never wanted that time to end..
i wished the music cud hv carried on for all my lifetime.. i wanted to live that moment forever.. but as the moon set higher.. we had to depart... on our own ways.. with our own life...
Friday, April 3, 2009
ILP.. Tests and Lohri mishaps..
what we heard from previous batches... oracle stream people were mostly the screwed ones in the second phase.. with a compulsion for scoring atleast 50% was hitting my mind like hell.. still i knew oracle is the field where i can show some metal..
came the first test.. after going thruu many dumps of java n all.. with all permutations possible.. i scored 58%.. the first step was cleared.. at first we thought that there is some probs with the database but.. it was all fine.. our understanding was bleak..
well it was an online kindaa test and results were instantly displayed on the monitor after u attempt ur qns and hit the deadly button "submit".. people wid great minds scored low and with damaged ones were seen playing with 70-80-90%.. few were laughing and few were carrying a rhy smile on their face trying to hide the disappointment they faced in those 90 minutes.. well.. but one can still find some happy faces around.. like puneeta.. anuroop ankit.. as if they beleived to give tension rather than facing them..
what to say..?? these people whom i never met in life before were changing me.. i wasnt the same as i was before i came here.. i understood professional life and now was able to differentiate between relationships... i developed some gud terms with everyone.. few names i still remember are ankita, puneeta,shaurya, shiv, bharat, abhijeet, akash, bharani, ankit, anirudh, santosh, sarrabh, SP, sawan, pooja, rohit, singhai, seenu, suri, yoga.. pheww..
the 2nd phase without one batch in Koel Campus.. was like no fun.. but we tried hard to make these days the most memorable ones in our life. The oracle batch.. 74D was a fun filled batch.. with the mocking characters like our CRs and funny ppl like suri and saurabh around.. one can definitely expect humor.. if not anything least.. Unix n Java.. were total fun..
always we were back benchers.. most of the times we were laughing only.. that made Unix LC to give a few future concerned speeches.. but i cud see few laughs on that one too.. Sudha.. our LC for oracle was one of the most brilliant peoples around.. querries going right in one go.. and live demonstration of any problem.. the learning cudnt hv been better..
but TG-1 was also no short on brilliance.. ankit yogananda srinivas n me.. were like the stars of her eye.. project explanation done by me.. i thought wud definitely had rose some standards of us and then the type casting solution by me and ankit..( although we were making a guess.. but a logical one.. :) ) was an amazement for the whole batch.. animesh n shiv also left no stone unturned to make things as funny as possible..
i started talking to new people now.. out of B-70.. bharat shiv n puneeta.. whom i rarely talked to in my 1st phase.. i came to knew.. were very gud ppl infact.. had some great evening time wid them in my second phase.. some times accompanied by shaurya and ankita.. days were very smooth.. if we left out studies..
and now talking about LOHRI.. it dint worked out according to the plan.. i called my cllg juniors just to show them how professional ppl enjoy.. but that spoiled the image of mine along wid everyone else's.. i dont want to take name.. but planning with girls for an event never makes a successful one.. still.. it started 2 hrs after the decided schedule.. where saurabh gautam opted to stay away.. after he saw it as a total mishap.. although he was excited enuff for that night.. i felt so sorry for him..
but the jabbys along wid appolos n bbsrs' saved the day.. richa abira sudeshna n ankit along wid few others kept the magic of night alive.. suvrantika arindam n appolo villa along wid preetam and vishal.. made every possible effort that this night doesnt wo waste.. we danced.. we grooved.. we moved..
and we were enjoying..!! still i can see some pain in few eyes.. that clearly descirbed their reason..
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