"so.. jasmit.. tell me the shortest description of the word life.." a question asked to me in my most important interview..
it was already like 25 minutes in the room and what i could see in the room was the set of eyes expecting an answer that could really give him enough reasons to hire me.. that person wud have been like 50 at age.. hairs and face reflecting the wisdom and experience he had in his lifetime.. a smile that motivates you to be a success.. calmness of water and cool as ice. that person was staring straight into my eyes to judge whether that answer will be a fake one or something that originates straight from my heart.. as by now he was well aware that i have capabilities of knitting net of words.. my poems proved that to him...
with utmost sincerity i answered the shortest answer possible.. " sir.. life is candle.."
i never had a blink of eye since the second i was asked this question.. my eyes wanted to cage all the moments of his expression after hearing my answer.. as this has been my habit.. i cudnt fake myself at that point of time.. then i saw a smile.. the smile which makes you feel accepted.. the smile of agreeness. the wrinkles on his face gatherd together so as to wish each other.. smile on his face stretched from the lips to the ears.. and from ears to eyes..
and i was selected for the company.. well i had to.. there was no other option left.. neither for him.. nor for me..
................................ been like 2 years now.. life has changed a lot.. the candle is now shorter in height.. though the intensity of flame is same.. one can see the molten wax at the base.. proof of the warmth generated by me..
now i am coming to an end.. i hv lived enuff.. brighten many a lives.. and been a company for unknowns.. meaning of life is now changing..
its what u see in the pic.. now "sir.. its no more a candle.. its candle.. with a blank sheet ready to be scribed upon by a pen.. and a cup that contains your favourite flavour of life.. mine is coffee..".. astonished..??? u shud be.. how can just 2 years can change a person so much.. well it can.. and it has..!!
gone through many phases.. met many people.. if u be only a candle.. they have much stronger heat than ur own flame to melt you.. but why..?? cuz.. u are not enlightening their lives..
so i have given them an option..
write on the paper what they want me to be... scribe down what u feel.. scratch on me.. and if u want.. tear me up.. but dont blow winds to put my flame off... i hv been thruu enuff of torments.. i hv seen a lot of winds trying to wave me off.. so please now follow my way..
i will burn my way for you.. u have a cup of coffee there.. sit there.. sip my flavor of life.. and enjoy watching me getting melted second by second the way you want... interesting view.. isnt it..??
Yes it s very interesting... datz all i can say... bcoz m nt writer or anythin lik u... as i said b4 u r awesome writer.. u express things in beautiful manner (which i cannot do ;)).. LIFE IS CANDLE.. u answered dat question very intelligently.. bt i kw 1 thing...wat was in ur mind wen u answered ;) ... n u expressed dat also in dis post... :D
no one understands me better than u ashi.. thats all what i can say..
Ohhh datzz really sweet of u jassi............... love u.. ( as frnd)/..... ;)
Jassi I've known u for maybe some 4 n half odd years from 2day, maybe i was the first 1 2 read ur poems in college, maybe i never understood u coz ur thoughts go very deep... won't compare to anything it'll be humiliation to both.
keep up ur thoughts flowing coz i know that's wat keeps u ticking..
SAM no comparisons can be made with you in my life... it was something like a tea spoon of elixir in my hand when there was poison all around..
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