what we heard from previous batches... oracle stream people were mostly the screwed ones in the second phase.. with a compulsion for scoring atleast 50% was hitting my mind like hell.. still i knew oracle is the field where i can show some metal..
came the first test.. after going thruu many dumps of java n all.. with all permutations possible.. i scored 58%.. the first step was cleared.. at first we thought that there is some probs with the database but.. it was all fine.. our understanding was bleak..
well it was an online kindaa test and results were instantly displayed on the monitor after u attempt ur qns and hit the deadly button "submit".. people wid great minds scored low and with damaged ones were seen playing with 70-80-90%.. few were laughing and few were carrying a rhy smile on their face trying to hide the disappointment they faced in those 90 minutes.. well.. but one can still find some happy faces around.. like puneeta.. anuroop ankit.. as if they beleived to give tension rather than facing them..
what to say..?? these people whom i never met in life before were changing me.. i wasnt the same as i was before i came here.. i understood professional life and now was able to differentiate between relationships... i developed some gud terms with everyone.. few names i still remember are ankita, puneeta,shaurya, shiv, bharat, abhijeet, akash, bharani, ankit, anirudh, santosh, sarrabh, SP, sawan, pooja, rohit, singhai, seenu, suri, yoga.. pheww..
the 2nd phase without one batch in Koel Campus.. was like no fun.. but we tried hard to make these days the most memorable ones in our life. The oracle batch.. 74D was a fun filled batch.. with the mocking characters like our CRs and funny ppl like suri and saurabh around.. one can definitely expect humor.. if not anything least.. Unix n Java.. were total fun..
always we were back benchers.. most of the times we were laughing only.. that made Unix LC to give a few future concerned speeches.. but i cud see few laughs on that one too.. Sudha.. our LC for oracle was one of the most brilliant peoples around.. querries going right in one go.. and live demonstration of any problem.. the learning cudnt hv been better..
but TG-1 was also no short on brilliance.. ankit yogananda srinivas n me.. were like the stars of her eye.. project explanation done by me.. i thought wud definitely had rose some standards of us and then the type casting solution by me and ankit..( although we were making a guess.. but a logical one.. :) ) was an amazement for the whole batch.. animesh n shiv also left no stone unturned to make things as funny as possible..
i started talking to new people now.. out of B-70.. bharat shiv n puneeta.. whom i rarely talked to in my 1st phase.. i came to knew.. were very gud ppl infact.. had some great evening time wid them in my second phase.. some times accompanied by shaurya and ankita.. days were very smooth.. if we left out studies..
and now talking about LOHRI.. it dint worked out according to the plan.. i called my cllg juniors just to show them how professional ppl enjoy.. but that spoiled the image of mine along wid everyone else's.. i dont want to take name.. but planning with girls for an event never makes a successful one.. still.. it started 2 hrs after the decided schedule.. where saurabh gautam opted to stay away.. after he saw it as a total mishap.. although he was excited enuff for that night.. i felt so sorry for him..
but the jabbys along wid appolos n bbsrs' saved the day.. richa abira sudeshna n ankit along wid few others kept the magic of night alive.. suvrantika arindam n appolo villa along wid preetam and vishal.. made every possible effort that this night doesnt wo waste.. we danced.. we grooved.. we moved..
and we were enjoying..!! still i can see some pain in few eyes.. that clearly descirbed their reason..
1 comment:
huh,, lohri,, the muv guys make lohri a ravishing festival in reel life,,(veer-zarra)
guess they all knoe perhaps that isnt the same in real life..
i dont knoe on whom sholders should i lay the blame,, probably it was u jassi who even thot of organizing it empty-stomach when all the others were having free food at coooohhhhh...
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