THE GREAT NIGHT.. THE GREAT DAY.. THE LAST MOMENTS OF "B-3" APPOLO VILLA TOGETHER.. SOME PRECIOUS MOMENTS .. second last day.. morning was very painful.. yes.. my head was spinning and was aching very badly after last night's drink.. ohh.. i remember i took 2 disprin tablets.. had lemon drink, 3 cups of tea and lots of plain water..
while this whole drama was carrying on.. i cud see everyone laughing.. some one kicking on my butt saying.. " jab pii nahin sakta to kyun piitaa hai itna...".. hahahha.. i agree.. hence after i decided i wont drink.. i dint knew for how long i wud keep that promise to myself.. but i was sure that i wont do that again. early in the morning.. saurabh came.. he wid ravi started to bug me.. complaining that i spoiled the whole night as they missed all the fun.. while they were busy doing programming in lab for the project work that had to be shown that day..
well.. it was thursday.. so i dressed in my fav combination.. ( red tie, white shirt and black trousers ).. wanted to feel gud again.. ahh.. last day was so bad.. but had all my intentions co cover up that with this day. never for a single moment i let anyone felt that i had any sort of pain in my heart except that few faces i fell in love with.. wud not be there from next day.. few people who i now thought as a part of my life will leave only their memories after next day.. few ppl i loved wont be seen now from the next day..
me as a person is emotionally very strong.. when it comes to face.. but renuka said me one evening that my eyes speak a lot and my face never support my eyes.. so however cold my reactions are.. warmth is always felt.. i was very shy to hear that.. but it was the truth that she told.. almost everyone close to me asked me.. whats bothering me...
what i cud hv said hv been a lie if i had said "nothing".. but.. i dint said that.. i tried to tell almost all people who wre in ILP close to me that how much they mattered to me.. how much close i felt they were to me.. how much a part of mine they had become. the batch 74 A and 74 C returned to the Koel Campus from IT park.. so was having a hell lot of gud tym.. few faces returned.. abhishek, anuroop, richa, puneeta, abira, bharat n all.. felt like as if i got oxygen just before i thought m out of breath.. that push of adrenaline in me.. made a day very happening for me..
i spent hours talking with every one... but but but... before that we had the project presentation that day.. gosh.. it was so good.. Mr. Doubtfire Yogananda gave the best explanation of the project. i think.. sudha was happy the way we represented our project.. and then a small viva.. in which i answered not a single question.. great time... it was the happiness of getting released on 13 that was hovering on me..
what else i remember of that day is.. a talk with richa and abira in the canteen.. where richa described me her "criteria" for her right man.. and i was all laughing.. and still laughing while writing this.. few serius talks.. heart to heart that made this bond strengthened better than ever.. as B-70 batch whatever we did.. like.. play, the extempore.., book review.. project time.. the cobbler day.. everything.. may be anuroop and abira wud hv felt like a spectator.. but i cudnt hv done much regarding that..
came evening.. we started packing our bags.. after it was done it was the time the appolo villa B-3 decided to have a party.. may be the last one together.. and we started moving towards Far Pavillion.. as we landed there best thing was viewed.. a bull fight.. it was awesome.. one car was on its right two wheels after one bull striked it hard.. it was spectacular..
time began to fly it seemed.. few drinks in.. the people hearts came out.. i dint had drink that evening.. cuz i never wanted to spoil that moment.. so decided to hear everyone.. lots of discussions.. some gravitated.. some senseless.. but it was a bonding that everyone kept close even after so many ups and downs.. as anuroop says.. "if a relationship only goes smoothly.. then its no fun.. it shud hv ups n dwns.. that adds spice to it.."..
these people added a lot of spice to my life.. kundu, manoj, manish, animesh, ravi and anuroop.. they truly made my life a memorable one.. they gave a freshness to my life.. if i was the rose.. they were the dew drops in it.. it i was the alcohol.. they were the ice in it.
manoj had his time that evening.. he had so much that even he puked out.. but real fun was when kundu heard that he wud hv to walk now for almost 2 kms. that definitely showed him some stars.. after 40 mins of walk we reached B-3.. where 1st thing kundu did was to search for his asthama pump.. he was so furious that he watched TV at the highest volume possible.. kundu will always be Swakshar Kundu..
as everyone was done with the day.. tired people caught their beds and grabbed the corner for a last night sleep in appolo villa.. i slept last.. ensuring everyone had a smile on their face while they slept..
every words so i did slog that nit.the mood was was gloom everywhere,spare the bull fight.thats one of the best things my eyes ever witnessed.
i told u.. bbsr is not that bad as u thought on the very 1st day.. :))
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