the glory of the tree is actually measured by its leaves and fruits.. the height it raises to.. the depth of roots they go and reach..
the matter is.. what when the depth and height is there.. but the ornaments that it wears are missing..? i understand.. the autumn has also its role to play.. but what if the spring goes unnoticed..??
sometimes.. the time dont give u a damn.. doesnt care for you.. and follows it own path to entertain others.. somehow neglecting your needs.. be however u stand high. all that matters sometime is the air that brings you spring back in.. we have our pride in showing others what we own.. what we carry on our shoulders.. what we do and what we get in return..
we.. have our own glory in displaying our traits.. feel proud for being the person we are.. and value amongst others.. but never ever care for the depths we should have. the maturity that generally goes missing in many a people.. keeps you 2 inches above the ground. floating in the air.. we never know when we could fall..
me.. as a person respect values.. have my friends to boast and some heights in form of expectations i want to reach... time as changed.. have blown away all my leaves.. i have no fruits to bear.. standing alone.. i only have a hope that time would change.. maybe spring will follow the autumn.. some freshness will elegantly soothe me with its eloquence.. some Florence will recolor my dry shades .. some cool breeze will tickle my branches.. and will make me feel special..
...will make me feel won some day.. achievements very hard for me to count as my leaves.. i can only say that whole of my time i actually spent giving shadow.. but this time i expect a swing.. that tracks me back in the paths of success and leads me somewhere that i can glorify all..
life holds some special purpose.. i cant be always a log.. whose destiny is to get burnt some day.. i want to b a gold.. more i grow old.. precious i get..
everyone have their own ways.. my way is simplicity..!
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