Thinking.. an action that makes your mind work.. shows u a direction.. gives the opinion about right and wrong.. and helps u taking up the decision that u follow afterwards..
i was a simple man.. with simple beliefs and thoughts.. with clear mind and pure heart n soul.. i always thought every person is alike.. talks the same way, walks the same way and lead a similar kind of life. i believe thats how u think when you are too young..
but slowly u grow up... u see changes and u think why are they happening..? u question your friends.. parents or ur near and dear ones.. u try to figure out the reasons behind the changes.. sometimes you succeed but sometimes u move on in life without getting an appropriate answer..
in the very same manner i grew up.. met a lot of people in life.. have been a good friend to many.. never back stabbed anyone.. and always tried no one gets hurt because of me.. many questions rose at various destinations of life whose answers m still searching..
situations and people.. show you some reality in life.. so they did in my life too.. came across a number of people.. read many minds.. hv been a part of many a lives.. and in return.. got some teachings.. some facts.. some lessons..
people come.. explore u.. become a part of your life... and you being ignorant allow them to add into it.. and then something happens.. some conditions rise and they leave you.. this is how life treats you..
but.. are all the reasons apt..? the reason of people going away from u..? was it their way of utilizing u..? or it was actually very genuine.. i have been thinking..! thinking reasons of losing people whom i actually thought very close to me.. people whom i accepted without any conditions..
now as they r far away.. i definitely dont care about them as they r no more important in my life after their decision of going away.. but reasons... reasons are something that i always wanted to know.. cause.. at some phase of my life.. they were a part of it.. and i existed in them.. i was a part of them too..!!
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