Rains... the word itself gives pleasure to many a thirsty souls.. me you and many others.. who can smell the freshness of first drops after an age long heat.. wont agree more on the happiness that it brings...
these days i m in kolkata and have faced a hell of a time... similarly.. like saurabh.. "there was never a day when i dint cursed kolkata.."
as i always did... taking my bike out.. and running on full throttle... tea mesmerizing my mood.. sweets to mellow my mind.. and lastly the city view from the hilltop... thats the way i treat the first drops from heaven...
some moments i miss still gets played like a movie when i close my eyes... friends on the backseat and shouting.. screaming their lungs out... the chill of air shivering my hands.. and drops falling on my forehead and eyelids as i stare up towards the sky..
but kolkata actually showed me its importance.. heat and humidity took toll over us in past few weeks.. a place where every thing was going wrong in our lives.. the weather showed me some hard ways getting along wid life...
that afternoon.. when "bijli" actually made its presence felt... was one of the happiest moment that i had here... soon after it was raining.. and everyone i saw around me were dancing.. jumping in happiness... anuroop shouting.. YAAYYYY.... YAYYY... BIJLIII.... and saurabh jumping running shouting BIJILII in his own typical way.. and ravi shouting.. AAJ TO MAZA AA GAYA.. everyone seemed so happy...
on the terrace.. they played cricket... then tea.. snacks... and a heartful of memories... took re-birth inside me.. a great time.. after 4 years meant a lot to me.. some joys lost were now recovered... in this new phase of friendship...
thoughts were flying... so was me...
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